Angel’s Against Cancer Limited Edition Prints: Order Today!

Background: Pano lost his mother to metastatic breast cancer almost 26 years ago. Being very close to her, the loss had a profound impact on him. Moreover, seeing how her passing negatively affected the rest of his family made the loss all the more distressing.
The Project: Pano’s mother, Lucy, had a particular fondness for angels. Through the years, images and statues of angels received as gifts were something she cherished the most. To that end, in honor of her and to help fund this very important cause, Pano has created a series of 12 Limited Edition digital-sketch type prints of the best Angel figurines in the family collection to create the “Angel’s Against Cancer” Initiative. The purchase will include a physical numbered 8x10 solid wood framed and matted print along with a ceramic pink ribbon pin in a velvet box.
Donation: In support of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF), 50% of all sales generated by the “Angels Against Cancer” collection will be donated to BCRF in Pano’s mother's name to be used for breast cancer research. The remaining balance will be used to create another project offering similar benefits to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Overall, it's Pano’s hope that putting a positive spin on his loss will help create more awareness of this very important cause leading to a world that is ultimately cancer-free